Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 754's amusing photos

See these two photos? I saw them both on two different blogs yesterday, was compelled enough by each of them to right-click to save. They are both living rooms, they are both pretty, and the similarities pretty much end there. Yet I cannot choose a favorite.

The top image is, I believe, from Kate Spade's home -- correct me if I'm wrong. The bottom is a home for sale featured on Cote de Texas. You can see the rest of the house here.

So tell me, which do you prefer? The wild fabric, interesting accessories and over-the-top art of the first, or the restrained (almost to within an inch of its life) color palette and carefully-edited look in the second?


Pink Wallpaper said...

i think i am a mix b/w the two...

megan @ a life's design said...

number 1. the second one is too straight-laced and doesn't feel as welcoming. {although there are aspects of both i like and that i would change}

vanessa said...

#2. I don't think the 1st one is Kate Spades home. Cote de Texas had a big article on it either this month or last month. A singer owns it and his wife did the interior. Look closely at the 2 coffee tables, they don't match so badly that they look terrible.

vanessa said...

I found Cote de Texas's post

Anonymous said...

The first picture is the home of Kristen Buckingham, wife of Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac. She has a design firm and a line of furniture.

Jennifer said...

clearly I've confused that first image with another!

I now remember that post on Cote de Texas, but I didn't even notice the two coffee tables in this image. But I agree, what's up with that?

Arlynn said...

I like both too... but I have to say that I'm more drawn to the 2nd image, more soothing & comfy-looking to me.

However, I think I would have to trown in a punch of color & patterning through the pillows & other textiles.

Either way, both a fun for the eyes :-) Thanks!

bluehydrangea said...

I vote for Lindsey Buckingham's it!!

Devon said...

I love #2 visually. It's absolutely gorgeous. But if I were designing my own place, my uncontrollable urge would be to head to #1 each and every time.

Erin said...

Definitely the first! Love the color. It's busy alright, but fun. I think it would be one of those rooms that just makes you happy.

Rachel said...

Definitely the first. The second room seems to "easy" in design if that makes sense. Nothing personal for interest!

Filia Artis said...

Jennifer - check out which just profiled those mirrors with the eagles on top this week. There is one in the second photo you've posted. I think H and H is right, these mirrors ARE everywhere!

Unfortunately, don't really love either room :-(.

Lovely Little Nest said...

LOVE the colors and textures in the first pic...LOVE the sohpisticated, calm feel of the second pic...I can't decide! Definitely a mix :)

Mason said...

I like a mixture of both. I love the colors of the second, but it could use a bit more personal objects.

Susan @

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

I'm a mixture of both. I love the first room for some reason. Although my house looks nothing like it. And I like the calmness of the second one--- but it looks a tad boring. I'm thinking I need to go home and look at my living room. I think it may be a little too boring!

Ashley said...

Ohhhhh- number two. I love the subdued tones of the room that blend so well; it just lends itself to relaxation mode. Love this blog! :) Keep it coming!


You've hit on one of my dilemmas! They're so different and yet I love both. It really depends on my mood!

Tara said...

I tend to lean more towards the second picture, myself. But I feel like this much restraint in a living room makes an entire house look stuffy. I like the idea for it in a bedroom, but with a breezier curtain. I would love the top photo if not for the couch. It's just... too... something. 70s-esque maybe? I can't quite put my finger one it. But I like the eclectic idea.

LaurenH said...

Number 1! It has life and personality. Number 2 is stuffy, safe, and boring IMO.

Elsa May said...

Number 1 without a doubt! Number two might be more appealing if the walls were a darker hue....

Amy said...

I'd have to say number 2, although I fear I'd get tired of all the pattern and "stuff"!

Sarah (Matters of Style) said...

Number 1! It's such a welcoming and fun room!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

I love number 1. It's my favorite even though my house looks no where near like that. My house is probably a mix of the two.

Anonymous said...

Love number #2 - although elements in #1 make me totally weak in the knees!

Jennifer said...

I think I agree with most of you -- I'd like to be somewhere in the middle.

Sami said...

I gravitate to the second room more. Likely, many of the homeowners personal belongings/touches have been removed (staging for sale) which makes the room feel a little cold.

The first image is interesting to the eye but my eyes keep jumping from one place to the next and never seem to rest anywhere. I think I would always be overstimulated.

My ADHD self needs a soothing and calm environment. ;)


so.chic said...

I love them both! I am more like #2...I love the soothing colors and the clean crisp look of it, but I wish I was more adventurous and fun like #1!

stewart and james said...

i think the top pic is of lindsey buckingham's house...

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I gotta go with the first one. Fabulously fun!

The Caffeinated Librarian said...

I'd definitely say elements from both would be best. Perhaps the furniture and general feel of the second with a few random elements from the first. Great blog!

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing.