I suppose it's finally time to show you the guest bedroom. I deviated a bit from the
original plan, but I'm happy with it, and it'll be easy to update and change in the future. Wes built the headboard according to my measurements while I wasn't at home, and it somehow became extremely tall -- that's what happens when the writer in the family does the measuring, and then the engineer follows her specs exactly! We were planning to chop the legs off a few inches, but now it doesn't seem as big as it did. Moving on.
Most of the money I made at the yard sale went to not-so-fun items for the room such as a mattress pad, sheets, pillow forms, and a bed skirt. All of that, including the white quilt, came from either HomeGoods or TJ Maxx. I got the navy ikat pillow cover on sale (and with a gift card) at Pottery Barn, and the pillow form came from the clearance rack at HomeGoods -- this was a budget project, remember?
Most everything else you see here (mirror, chair, book, trunk, glass bottles) came either out of a closet or another room in our house. We found the green lamp at a yard sale for $3, and the shade is from Target. Of course, everything in my house is in flux, and I've since given this lamp to my cousin - ha!

The paint color is Blue Shamrock by Olympic, and the antique dresser came from my dad. I got the blue and white plates at TJ Maxx (surprise!) several months ago and have been waiting on the perfect spot for them. The rug was half-off at Pier 1, and I made the fixed flat-fold roman shade by loosely following
these directions. The gray fabric is the same as the headboard, and I paid $1.50/yard for it at Wal-Mart.

Here's the view from the door. The piece of furniture on the right is a hand-me-down from Wes' parents that got a coat (or three) of white paint early in it's life with us. I stash random decorating items inside it and affectionately refer to it as my "prop closet."
Think the headboard is too tall? I can't decide.

There you have it! I still have a couple of small things to do, and, as with the rest of my house, it's constantly changing as I get the urge to move things around a bit.