I'm intrigued by the 18th century Massachusetts home of John Derian, published this summer in Martha Stewart Living.

The kitchen -- left untouched by John's thoughtful renovations -- is my favorite. Just look at the gorgeous faucet!

Of course, the rest of the home is also filled with one-of-a-kind items found on John's world travels.

yes, i saved this mag for this home. so pure.
Oh that bed!! That is gorgeous!
I'd love to see this house in person, I bet it is just as stunning as it looks in these photos.
Thanks for sharing - I hadn't seen his house. Is that a huge tree trunk/island in his kitchen?
i want to see a close up of that cool sink in the background! thanks for sharing :)
I need that bed in a dark dark cherry stain. man.
I just love all these pictures and I am just a little giddy from finding your blog! I have come from Paula's @'twoellie' and had a quick scan down your posts and am so excited to find you!
My husband I built our house prior to our wedding - so very much looking forward to reading all your old posts.
how did I miss this? Love it!!
oh just love it--- it's so you too!!
Love that house and his work.
How beautiful is this house! What talent.
I want that house and everything in it. Wow!
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