Today is my dear husband's birthday! Unfortunately, he's traveling for work and I can't give him a birthday hug and kiss for the first time in four years. Luckily we celebrated early, and I'm sure he's proudly wearing his cool new birthday belt. Happy birthday, honey. You're a blessing to me everyday and I hope you're having a great day.
Happy Birthday Wes!
Thanks for having an awesome wife. And here is your virtual birthday present...it is a Stihl KombiSystem. I know it's just virtual...but hopefully you can cut some imaginary grass with it :)
Aw, happy birthday to Wes!!
Aww, happy birthday hubby!
I love that photo, it looks so cozy and inviting!
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
Aw, Happy Birthday to your guy! My hubby's 30th was yesterday. Old men. :)
happy birthday wes!
happy {belated} birthday Wes!!
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