Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 788's giveaway!

This giveaway has closed, thank you for your interest!

We're very excited to announce a giveaway with Revival Uncommon Goods, a wonderful shop in Chattanooga we first visited in April.

Maybe you have seen a Diptyque candle on the pages of your favorite magazine? Or read about a certain discerning celebrity who insists that her dressing rooms be outfitted exclusively with Diptyque? Or that Parisian designer John Galliano chose Diptyque as the company to create his signature scent "marrying marrying myrrhe and firewood scents."

One hundred percent natural essential oils are mixed with wax and hand-poured to create the lush candles with braided-cotton wicks. Diptyque is Revival's most sought-after fragrance collection -- they even spray all of their gifts and packages with Diptyque's parfum d’ambiance -- and today they are offering a special-edition green-fig scented candle to one of you, our lovely readers.

To enter, leave a comment on this post (if you do not have a blog, please leave an e-mail address) by 9pm Eastern time on Friday, August 28, 2009.

Good luck, and a big thank you to Rodney at Revival for a lovely giveaway!


Sarah said...

I have never seen these candles, but the packaging is great! I do love candles, so would love to win!!

The Tale of Two Sisters said...

Love your blog. Looking forward to reading more!

Smitten Design said...

who doesn't love a fancy candle?!?

Tiffanie said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I enjoy your blog.

Design Esquire said...

I really enjoy your blog. Great giveaway!

Amanda said...

Oooh fun candles. I would love to win.

Kristin said...

Oooh, I love the color and scent of that candle... I must have it! :)

Great giveaway, love keeping up with your blog!

paula said...

I am in need of a new candle:)

Cheryl said...

Neat candle. I'm curious who the celebrity is who insists on it for their dressing room!

Alexis said...

I love good smelling candles!

KatiePerk said...

Oooh la la! These candles are amazing! What a delightful giveaway!

curlymunchkin said...

I've always wanted to try this line of candles...I switched to all natural candles since they are better for the environment. Awesome give-away!

Anonymous said...

Love candles and your blog! Thanks for being such a diligent blogger!

Tara said...

a green fig scented candle would be so amazing during a New York fall!
Yes, please!

Allison said...

I was JUST thinking I would love a new candle...we are having a dinner party Saturday night! Love your blog!

Kirby said...

Loooove your blog :) I've always wanted a Diptyque candle!

Chic Coles said...

This is one of my all time favorites. William T Georgis used the black candle Diptyque fig in his Panic room at Kips Bay this year! It was amazing. Every one that came into the room commented on how wonderful the scent was. This company is hands down a winner every time. Love the green candle.

Julie said...

I love Diptyque!

Beth Ann said...

Love your blog and these candles look awesome!

Allison said...

Love your blog. Love Chattanooga, and love diptyque!

Jessica said...

I enjoy your blog and hope to win!

lewismmb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lewismmb said...

My best friend just moved from Chattanooga all the way to Montana! I miss her tons and no longer have an excuse to hang out in Chattanooga... which is a great place for antiques, art, and shopping. Glad I could "visit" through your blog.Thank you!

laurenbusbee said...

I love reading your blog! And really LOVE the chance at this wonderful candle give away! Keep up the good work!

L said...

These candles are wonderful! It's always hard for me to justify spending money on candles, though - so here's hoping I win! :) Love your blog!

Kate said...

I love your blog and am in need of a new candle!

Elle D said...

I am avid hoarder of candles, hehe. This one is so lovely!

lady elle said...

(*I am AN avid hoarder... d:)

Cowesett Construction Company said...

Thanks for the opportunity to try out this line! Im soo curious who the celebrity is that needs Diptyque in their dressing room!

Andrea said...

The "Tea" is my favorite. Wonderful!

Puhvis Kukk said...

All this rain has made my CT ranch smell like, well, not rain. Scented candles needed.

Confessions said...


Emily said...

Thanks for your everyday inspirations! Love the blog and love the Diptyque candles. I am Crossing my fingers to win!

Anonymous said...

Pick me!

The Middleton family said...

I love love love your blog! I too am a newlywed and enjoy looking here for (budget friendly) inspiration. Also love the candle!

Toni said...

Love. LOVE. those candles!

layersofmeaning said...

Amazing giveaway!

Kelly Ann said...

Love your blog! And who doesn't love candles.

bluehydrangea said...

Love Diptyque candles...great give away!

kristin said...

yay! we just moved to chattanooga and i can't wait to go visit this place.
would love the candle...pick me!
thanks for such a great little giveaway!

Rachel said...

Love your blog! Love the look of those candles too!

My Notting Hill said...

Great giveaway! Like your idea of making a table from your Dad's barn wood.

kim said...

ooh these candles are fantastic and I would love it. Great giveaway.

Arlynn said...

Mmm... this would be THE most special candle in my bathtub colloection. In fact, it sounds so very scrumptious, I'd probably burn only this little beauty!

Crossing my fingers,

Arlynn from Fleur de Licious

ATroutwine said...

Love your blog and would love to visit Revival in person next time I'm passing through Chattanooga!

modernchemistry said...

I would love to win! Thanks for thinking of all of us with this giveaway. :)

adrianne said...

Love it! This is a great giveaway! Enjoying the blog a lot.

Melissa said...

I love your blog and I love giveaways! Thanks for such a fun one!

Macca said...

I love Diptyque!

Mary Frances said...

Giveaways are fabulous! I love the blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love your blog!

Erin {House of Turquoise} said...

Ooooh, what a fab candle!! Great giveaway! :)

SouthernBelleJM said...

Ooooh, great candle.

Brooke Maness said...

Don't mind if I do!

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Alexa said...

Love your blog AND Diptyque candles. What a great combination!


The Dilworth Family said...


LindsB said...

I LOVE diptyque candles...they are the best!!

margaret said...

love your blog! i found it a while back thru erika's blog. i was looking thru some of your old posts and saw the pictures of houses that you like around here. i think we must live near each other because i recognized all of them!

Prelude said...

Who wouldn't want one of those candles? Love your blog!

stewart and james said...

oH! i have SUCH a crush on diptyque. they are the most glamorous candles. ever. and yet, i've never had one. how does that work? good giveaway! good luck to all!


Mary Grace said...

Love you blog and LOVE Diptyque!

Mary Grace

Anonymous said...

Merci! for introducing me to a new line of candles I'm not familiar with! They are beautiful!
~Dina in ATL

Sarah said...

I can already envision this beautiful candle in my it! I hope it smells as good as it looks!

Sara said...

What a beautiful candle! I really enjoy your blog and your unique ideas.

K Ivey said...

I'd love to have this candle!

Laura said...

Yay! A great giveaway!

Sarah said...

Love giveaways, thanks for doing one!

Home Inspired said...

Thank you Revival for offering up the candle....hope I win!!

Unknown said...

ooh, i've always wanted one of those! ps- as a fellow newlywed, i love your blog! i'm a wannabe crafty gal in the making

Piper Jacquelyn said...

I have always wanted a Diptyque candle, but have honestly never seen them for sale in my area {Omaha, NE}. Lovely giveaway! said...

I love candles and would love to add it to my collection!

Jennie said...

What fun candles! I love these!

Yansy said...

I love this candles! I just picked up tow from Barneys. Thanks for this amazing opportunity.

Unknown said...


Jen said...

Oh, I hope I win this one! I heart candles and have them all over my house! These are so unique and seem like it would be the only candle I'd have to light -- it would scent the entire house!

Kat C. said...

Looking at that candle calmed me. i wonder what it would do to me in person :)

katch05 at gmail dot com

kayduh said...

I love those candles!

Sarah Brooke said...

I love candles! Please enter me!

vanessa said...

Can't wait to have it sweetly smelling up my house!

Anonymous said...

Ooh I love Diptyque candles! Great giveaway!

Elizabeth said...

Lovely candles!

elizabethsthompson at yahoo dot com.

Katy said...

A good candle can really make a house a home!I am a new subscriber to your blog. Love it!

Catherine said...

I love your blog and those candles look divine!

Kristy said...

I love fancy-pants candles! Great giveaway!

carlee {deliciously organized} said...

great giveaway! LOVE candles!

Janet Pelczynski said...

Love Green and I love Candles! This on is for me!

mary said...

What a great looking candle. And green fig sounds heavenly. Count me in!

Rebekah said...

candle fanatic, and these are the best!!

Dr. Erin and Mr. Heath said...

I've been reading for awhile. Love your blog so much and I love candles just as much!

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

Mmm...figs. I've never had one of these candles, but I've heard they are wonderful!

Jenny at LGN said...

Yes, PLEASE!! Great giveaway!!


Mrs. RBC said...

Lokking forward to reading your blog more!
Be sure to send the candle my way!

AmyandAndrew said...

Love your blog! These candles are great!

ansley b. said...

i just finished burning my favorite candle and would LOVE a replacement!

Bungalow Home said...

Funny, my rep just left my shop and she was raving about Revival and how I need to visit before they move into their new space. Love the blog --would love to have my business participate in one of your give a ways!

Melissa said...

Ooh, love ur blog and this giveaway! Yay!

Pink Wallpaper said...

totally need that candle to entice people into buying my home :)

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway. Candles are a weakness for me:)

Rachel Baddorf said...

I love expensive candles. They are so decadent.

Ben said...

#100 - Nice